Saturday, January 31, 2009

for research on Media

Hi friends,
as many of you are aware that I’m doing my MA in Journalism and Mass Communications, as a part of my final semester i have to complete a dissertation. I m doing a research on the topic "Study on Feature-based Shows on Indian News Channels". Below is a questionnaire based on my research. I will be grateful to you all if you take time to fill it up and sent it back, ASAP. Actually I m working a time crunch here and looking to all your support. (just copy it onto a word document, mark your choices and mail back)
Thanking You,
Damini Berry.

Study on Feature-based Shows on Indian News Channels.

Feature News is lifestyle and special interest news on a wide range of topics; such as from vacations to gardening and planning outings and entertainment. It is a prominent news story written like a piece of short fiction. They place a greater emphasis on facts that have human interest.


1) How much time (daily) do you spend on watching television?
a. less than five hours
b. five to ten hours
c. More than 10 hours

2) Rate the following types of channels on basis of your viwership preferences.
(rate the below given options from 1 to 6; 1-being the most preferred and 6-being the least preferred)

a. General Entertainment channels
b. News channels
c. Sports channels
d. Music channels
e. Religious/Spiritual channels
f. Any Other

3) How much time, on an average, do you devote to a news channel?

a. Less than one hour
b. One to five hours
c. More than five hours

4) Rate the following content on News channels, according to your preferences.
(1-being the most preferred and 9-being the least preferred)

a. Headlines/News bulletins
b. International/National news
c. Political/Economic news
d. Sports news
e. Local news
f. Entertainment news
g. Human interest stories
h. Travel/outing/events based shows
i. Any Other.(please specify):____

5) What according to you is a ‘feature story’?

a. Detailed analysis of a news story
b. An infotainment story
c. An opinionated story
d. An entertainment story
e. All the above
f. Any Other (please specify):____

6) Which of the following non-news based shows do you prefer to watch (Multiple answers can be selected)

a. Entertainment shows
b. Shopping shows
c. Travel shows
d. Education shows
e. Development-based shows
f. Local outing and events shows
g. Others (please specify):_____

7) Do you follow any shopping or outing advices given in shows on News channels?

a. To a greater extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a lesser extent
d. Not at all
Please give your reasons for above selection of answer.

8) Do you feel News channels should have feature based shows?

a. To a greater extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a lesser extent
d. Not at all
Please give your reasons for above selection of answer.

9) Have 24x7 News channels increased the scope of feature based content on them.

a. To a greater extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a lesser extent
d. Not at all

10) Which News channels do you prefer to watch for non-news based or feature based content?

11) Which of the following channel do you watch?

a. Metro Nation
b. Dilli Aajtak
c. Both
d. Neither

12) Can you name any four shows on either (MetroNation or Dilli Aajtak) of the channels (in order of your preference).

13) Do you like to watch repeat telecasts of feature shows on News channels?

a. To a greater extent
b. To a moderate extent
c. To a lesser extent
d. Not at all

14) Any suggestions for the improvement of Metro Nation and Dilli Aajtak channels, in the following areas.

a. Content

b. Presentation

c. Time alloted

Please fill in the following details about yourself:
Thank you so much for taking out time to fill out these questions. I am sincerely appreciative of your effort and patience. Your personal details will be kept confidential.
Sincerely yours,
Damini Berry

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